Thursday 14 October 2010

Can Africa ever unite?

On many occasions I have asked myself: Why is Africa poor? and why are a lot of black people around the world suffering? Is it because people of other races have been blessed with better intellect? Or is it simply because a curse has been put upon us?

You see black people have been blessed with so much, we have been blessed with all of our natural resources, our vast and beautiful landscape, and in fact God gave us the task of building the world’s first civilizations. Although this might seem a long way away, but Africans from ancient times were more united than what we are today. So racism in ancient times was never a problem for us. Nevertheless since black people are not united in modern times, we are then left vulnerable to be victims of exploitation, degradation, humiliation, colonization and other forms of brutality from other races. This is because other races are united, for example white people and Asians are united, although they might not necessarily have peace with each other, they know that in order to survive in this world they need to work together, so as a result they stand firm. However black people choose not to stick together and as a result we have fallen victim to this cruel world. However all of this could come to an end if black people all over the world could unite. As I know that unity can create trust, and trust and trust can create cooperation, and cooperation can create wealth amongst people. So in short if Africa were to unite then we will be the world’s superpower. However what do you think is stopping us from uniting? Is it simply because of our language barriers? or our mentality i.e. greed, corruption, the white is superior etc. Can anybody share a few thoughts on this issue?
Click here to read the blog post where this issue is discussed further

Written by Aaron

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