Wednesday 17 November 2010

The System of Life 2

This is a continuation of my previous post called 'The system' if you have not read it yet I suggest you read it then continue with this post. As a final year student at university I will officially become a graduate next year. The expected next step for me will be to attain a graduate job.  As a result of ‘the system’ mentality, I have always believed that once I attain all of my academic qualifications with high grades then getting a 'good' job would be inevitable. How wrong was I?

Growing up I have realised society is not as meritocratic as I had once thought. Academic success is not a guaranteed ticket to a good job. Nowadays there is more of an emphasis on knowing the right people and having plenty of work experience in order to secure a good job especially in this economic climate.

Most recruiters want a person who has the work ethic and experience rather than someone who has purely academic qualifications and nothing else to offer. This is because education can never be a substitute for practical work experience since it is a whole different environment. School does not prepare you for the world of work or teach you how you can create wealth (unless your course includes a placement year). It seems as if most of the theory learned throughout education is mainly useful for just passing exams (there are many exceptions to this especially if what you have studied is directly related to your future career).

Don’t get me wrong I believe that education is very important and having a degree does increase your job prospects but there another type of education we don’t learn in school. The creation of wealth starts in the mind; wealthy people are always continuously creating more wealth because they have a rich mentality, whereas a ‘poorer’ person has a completely different mindset about money. For example wealthy people make investments in order to keep multiplying their wealth and they pass this down to their children. A poorer person’s mentality towards money is that you should get a job (Just Over Broke) in order to pay bills so any money earned it just spent and not increased. That is why when a ‘poorer’ person wins the lottery they usually finish all their money, because they have a poor man’s mentality. This following video expands upon this.

From reading many books about the creation of wealth the recurring factors are:
  1. Do something you are really passionate about do not allow money to be your only motivating factor
  2. Find a mentor in your chosen field
  3. Read many books on wealth and success, study the lives of successful people
  4. Never let people put u down, be persistent and never give up
  5. And most importantly change your belief systems about money, think like a wealthy person because your thoughts will eventually manifests into reality
This is an inspirational speech by Steve Jobs creator of Pixar a must watch

Written by Dinah

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