Saturday 12 May 2012


*Disclaimer: I use the words Homosexuals and Gays interchangeably and it refers to both gays and lesbians.

Before I get started I am sure many of you will disagree with the things I am going to write and criticize the points I am going to make. You do not have to agree with what I write, that is not the purpose of this post. This is just to express MY OWN personal opinion on the issue.

Recently President Obama expressed his support for same sex marriages. This is a very controversial issue with some people agreeing with what he said whilst there are others who are completely against it.

Growing up in the Black and Christian communities being homosexual was a massive no-no. Homophobic attitudes were very common place and I admit I used to be homophobic myself. I believed that being gay was an abomination, an evil sin, haram etc. Though I had a negative opinion of homosexuals I would never have harmed someone for being gay. I have always been strongly opposed to gay-bashing. I always believed that being gay was a choice and that those who chose to do so were sick in the head. I could not comprehend why a man would choose to be with another man when there are plenty of beautiful women out there and vice versa. It just did not make sense to me. One time in college I was having a debate with one girl who supported homosexuality. One thing she said to me was that "If being gay was a choice why would someone choose to allow themselves to be socially marginalized, victimized and prone to abuse". That really got me thinking deeply, its  true why would someone choose to be gay in a society where they will be treated as inferior and in some cases attacked for it? That was a real turning point in my opinions about homosexuality.

Skip to a few years later and my opinions of homosexuals have changed a lot (Thank God!). I do believe that some people are born with a natural tendency to be attracted to someone of the same sex (I know many people will disagree with this). To explain my point further take the situations where there are men who know deep down that they are gay but have tried to suppress it for years. They get married to women and even have children. But these gay feelings they have are still there, they wish it to go away but it keeps coming back; until it gets to a point where they can no longer hide it anymore. I have met gays who have tried very hard for many years to become heterosexual but it just didn't work. I have not met every homosexual out there but the ones I have met have been very nice people. They are still human beings; not very different from you and I and contrary to belief they do have morals. I don't understand why people spend so much time expressing their hatred towards gays when there are evil people out there such as rapists, pedophiles and serial killers.

*This part is mainly for the Christians or religious people* 
I understand that the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is wrong but I interpret it as the physical act which is a sin, not the emotion. If you have gay feelings but do not act on it then I do not see it as committing a sin. The bible also clearly states that it is wrong to lie, steal, fornicate, insult others or gossip and I can guarantee that you all have committed at least one of these sins and probably still do. We are ALL sinners and in God's eyes all sin is sin, none is greater than the other. Whether a man sleeps with another man or a man fornicates with a woman they are of equal weight. I am sick of some religious people getting on their high horse about gays and conveying their hatred towards them (what ever happened to love thy neighbor? or are gays exempt?). These religious people act as if they are perfect and have never sinned (remember the phrase "he without sin cast the first stone"? None of us are without sin so we can not cast any stones!)

At the end of the day if somebody is gay then that is their lifestyle, it doesn't affect me in anyway shape or form, and I do not have an issue with it. If someone is in a same sex relationship and they are happy and not harming anyone they should be allowed to live their lives. They are still people with feelings and emotions and they should not be deprived of their human rights. As cliche as this sounds God is the only true judge and what people do is between them and God.

Written By Dinah

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