Friday 2 November 2012


Success. A term we hear quite frequently, it is something that most of us say we want. "I want to be successful" "I will succeed" "I will be a success"

But what is success? What does it mean to be successful? Why do most people want this? what is the purpose of being successful? what does success look like?

To different people success means different things. To some:
It means acquiring as much money as you can. It means getting straight A's in school.
It means excelling in your field. It means being able to buy designer items and drive expensive cars. It means being famous. It means making it up the corporate ladder. It means achieving your dream body. It means to get married and raise a family. It means to be an entrepreneur. It means being popular and respected by others. It means how many music singles or products you sell. It means how many awards you win.

In theory all these examples do contribute to the concept of success. Success is a highly subjective term and everyone has their own personal perspective as to what it means to be successful. Success is related to our personal goals that we want to achieve in life. As our goals differ so does our meaning of success. After you accomplish your goal you have a sense of achievement which feels good. Thats what it feels like to succeed. An example of me experiencing this was my graduation day, wearing my cap and gown and receiving my certificate. After three years of doing loads of reading, all nighters in the library, assignment after assignment I finally completed my degree.

However I do believe there is a deeper meaning to success. I believe that everyone on earth has their own unique purpose which they should discover and fulfil. If you are able to find what your purpose is and fulfil it then in my eyes you are successful. You shouldn't measure your success with others. Doing that will only make you feel negative about yourself. In reality there will always be someone out there who is smarter than you, faster than you, richer than you etc. You can not always be the best, its just not possible. Focus on doing you, but at the same time remember not to become so selfish with your own ambitions that you have the "Me, myself and I" mentality (what my Pastor describes as the egocentric trinity). When you are too consumed with your own ambitions you end up neglecting others, and maybe even pull others down so that you can make it to the top (something which I hear happens a lot in the corporate world).

We should support and encourage one another to achieve our goals. We shouldn't be putting people down or tell them that they can't accomplish their dreams. We shouldn't be jealous and hate on other people's success that we talk negatively about them. If you are not willing to do what someone did to become successful then shut up. Never downplay somebody's dream. For example, someone may strive to become a doctor while someone else may strive to become a parent and stay at home to raise a family. You shouldn't look down on the person wanting to raise a family. Everyone has a different purpose in their life and that should be respected.

One thing to remember is when making your goals sit down and really think about why you want to achieve them. What is the real reason and purpose behind you wanting to achieve it? If your main goal is to become the richest person on earth just so that you can be number 1 on the forbes list and buy a lot of expensive things then to me that is selfish ambition. Your ambition should benefit others. If you look at Bill Gates his Microsoft creation changed the world of computing. He contributed greatly to the world of technology. With some of the wealth he has acquired he has started up his own charities and continues to help  poor people. To me that is success, not because he is the world's richest man. Your main goals shouldn't just be to benefit only yourself. What is the point of being rich if you do not help others with your money? Or making it in life and not inspiring others to also accomplish?. After all money can disappear but it is your legacy that will remain. The greatest people on earth i.e Jesus, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa were not known for money but the difference they made in people's lives.

What legacy do you want to leave behind? What difference can you make in somebody's life?
If you can make just one person's life better, in my eyes you have succeeded :) I wish you all success in your lives.

Written by Dinah

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