Thursday 7 May 2020


I don't think any of us could have anticipated that a virus would come and literally put the whole world on lockdown and collapse the global economy. This is the kind of thing you read about in history books that you wouldn't imagine happening in your life time. To be honest, when coronavirus was in China, I wasn't too worried as previous other coronaviruses such as SARS and MERS didn't have this kind of impact globally. In March 2020 is when we actually saw the severity of this disease and many countries took action and closed their borders and ordered a lock down.

Coronavirus causes COVID-19. What is scary is that black people and other ethnic minorities in the UK & USA are dying  at a higher rate from this disease. Like many people I was wondering why. There could be a long list of possible reasons: ethnic minorities are more likely to live in poorer neighbourhoods, this means less access to healthcare, increases in poor diets, and are more likely to be essential workers so they are exposed more.

There will be  no cure for COVID-19 as the pharmaceutical industries do not believe in cures because they profit from people being sick. Usually when you go to hospital for an illness you are usually "treated" by taking medications that "relieve your symptoms",  not cures. For example, with all of these advanced medical practitioners there is still no cure for the common cold. Next time you buy cold medicine check the packaging and you are likely to see the word "relief" not cure. I am also  highly skeptical about any vaccines because of negative side effects they can have but I won't go into that in this post.

I have been watching many documentaries regarding viruses and infectious diseases, doing a lot of my own research and speaking to people in the medical field. I believe that the best way to defeat this disease is by strengthening your immune system.  This way, if you were to catch it you will have a better chance to fight it off. Here are my tips on  what you can do to improve your immune system, most of these things mentioned can be bought at health food stores such as Holland and Barrett's or online. Disclaimer: I am not a medical expert or nutritionist so  feel free to research these things for yourself.

Cleaner Air

- Keep your windows open to allow ventilation. As pollution has gone down considerably the air is much cleaner

- You can burn sage as it is known to kill over 90% of airborne bacteria and disinfects the air

Herbs , Minerals and Vitamins

Mullein - it is known to help clear the respiratory system
Sea moss - contains 92 of the 102 minerals our body requires
Bladderwrack - contains the remaining 10 minerals
Elderberry - contains antioxidants which help to improve the immune system
Black seed oil
Vitamin C
Vitamin D

Citrus Fruits i.e. oranges, lemon, lime
Manuka Honey

Water - drink a lot of water especially spring water or alkaline water
Green Tea

Things to avoid
Processed foods
Too much sugar - this can feed viruses and bacteria
Too much alcohol

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